Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is in the US right now ito meet close advisers to President-elect Donald Trump and senior Congressional leaders.

The Foreign Ministry in the UK said in a statement to various members of the press:

“Following the successful meeting last month between the prime minister’s chiefs of staff and President-elect Donald Trump’s team, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is undertaking a short visit to the US for meetings with close advisers to the president-elect and senior Congressional leaders,” a spokesman for the ministry said in a statement.

“The discussions will be focused on UK-US relations and other foreign policy matters.”

If Johnson does meet Trump, he will be the most senior politician to meet the President-elect.

So far, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage - dubbed "Mr. Brexit" by US President-elect Donald Trump - became the first foreign politician to visit Trump immediately after the elections.

The most widely circulated photo of the meeting showed the pair alone, but another photo shared by a UKIP aide shows the whole group of Farage acolytes who made the visit to Trump Tower in New York.

Trump also said at the time, Farage would be great as Britain's envoy to Washington, but the British government has dismissed the suggestion. Farage is also attending Trump's inauguration.

Johnson may be meeting Trump's closest advisors but it is not certain whether he will meet Trump - nearly two months after he was elected as the next US president.

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May is still to meet Trump, although her office confirmed she will be meeting him this spring.

Trump said he is "looking forward" to meeting May.

Writing on Twitter, Trump said: "I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the spring. Britain, a longtime US ally, is very special!"

The BBC says the meeting was scheduled following meetings with May's closest advisers.

Although an official date has not yet been confirmed, it is expected to take place within weeks of Trump's inauguration on January 20.